Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Message "Staying Centered in an Uncertain World"

Last week I found myself feeling uncharacteristically down and concerned after reading a lot of negative news about the economy. I was also feeling that my plans were not moving as quickly as I'd like despite my actions. What's worse is that I felt bad for feeling bad, because I know better than to fall prey to negativity and fear of the future.

Welcome. Yes, we are aware of the difficulty of staying centered and in trust of the true reality while faced with the fear and anxiety created from the necessary change in structures that is occurring at this time. In fact, one part of you will be very happy to see the old structures and ways crumbling because they no longer suit the higher energies that are coming in at this time. The higher vibrations are not in alignment with these old negative patterns. Yet, still it can be rather disconcerting to have all the structures and the security that they represent crumble.

You will need to be very diligent with your watching practice. Watch your mind and emotions to notice how you are impacted from this information. For if you notice when you begin to feel anxious or fearful, then you can see what triggers these emotions. For each person will have somewhat different triggers. It may be the energy of a particular person, a specific place, or it may be a certain kind of news article that is your trigger.

If you are able to catch when you are triggered, then you can limit your exposure to these triggers in the future. If that isn’t possible, then at least by having this awareness, you can prepare yourself. When you are going to be exposed to such a trigger, you can be sure to ground yourself and make your energy field strong and resilient. Be sure to cleanse your energy field once you have been exposed to your trigger.

The commonly known ways to clear your energy field include meditation, being out in nature, being in water (even a shower or bath), some sort of simple energy sweeping or a more lengthy energy practice such as a reiki treatment. All of these things are wonderful ways to really cleanse your energy. Also, exercise is an excellent way. And eating fresh, raw natural foods, like fruits or vegetables or drinking pure water – these are good as well. Having a regular routine that includes some or all of these things helps naturally protect you from being affected easily from this kind of information.

Other dietary tips would be to limit things such as caffeine or nicotine (although you in particular do not smoke.) But these types of substances will also make you more susceptible to feeling anxious or fearful. So one’s daily habits are very important. Daily physical habits of diet, exercise, and of course enough sleep, and also habits of watching one’s mind and emotions. Not controlling, per se, but watching. For we do not feel it is always in one’s best interests to control emotions. Give them the proper outlet and attention that they deserve.

If some emotion comes up and it is not a good time to deal with it, put it away but with the promise of a set time when you will look at this emotion again. If you are true to your word, then this will be a very wonderful way to heal and express and work with those emotions. However, if you make a promise to that part of yourself and you don’t follow through, then you will be creating blockage. It will have a strong negative impact on you.

So, it is important to be true to oneself. It may not always be convenient to give your emotions access at any time or place. However, most everyone can give themselves some private time during the day in which they will work through these emotions. Preferably at the end of the day, you can process whatever comes up. It is a wonderful practice to take just ten to fifteen minutes before you go to bed to review how your day has been mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. How did it go today? What would I like to look at again? What do I wish went differently? What do I feel great about?

Whatever has not been settled, you may quickly settle it. Quickly means that if you wish something went differently, imagine how it could have been different. What would have been the best outcome? Create it in your mind. Experience it. Try not to go to bed with anything left unsettled. If you make this daily clearing practice part of your routine, we assure that you will have many physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

You will find that you feel happier, more centered and balanced; even that your dreams begin to take on a higher vibration. For whatever isn’t settled at the end of the day can appear in your dreams. If you do this clearing at the end of the day, then your dreamtime will reflect the higher positive energy that you ended your day on. These are simple ways that you may keep yourself protected from the illusion of insecurity and negativity that is becoming more prevalent as changes occur.

You already are familiar with the principles of the Law of the Attraction and the fact that you create your reality. Know that in these changing times some things may take a little longer to manifest because the greater collective energy will be influencing you more. Very strong old energetic patterns are in flux.

Try not to take it personally when things don’t happen in the timeframe that you expect. It is not a personal failure. Keep your motivation and positivity strong. You can help others do the same. When this happens, these changes will flow more quickly and more smoothly. This is our wish for all of you. We thank you for this communication.