Monday, July 14, 2008

Path of Awakening

It's been such a long time since I posted here. Things picked up a lot with the business and I primarily focused there. Recently I began meditating with a group and felt such a wonderful energy. There was a strong sense that I should continue this sort of meditation, which is stepping down higher vibrations for world healing.

I have started a new blog called Divine Awakening on so that anyone who wishes to learn these practices for personal and planetary awakening can join in. I will be focusing there, so please visit.

After the meditation, I felt the impulse to channel:

You are stepping again upon the path and quickly moving foward in a straight line. You have delineated some from this line, but you are always on this path. The more you consciously choose to follow it, the clearer and wider it becomes. It also gets easier to step. Your steps become quicker and lighter. For when you consciously choose to stay on the course, much assistance can be provide to you. Helping hands reach out to guide you and gently pull you forward. Now is such a time.

We wish to work with you more closely on the conscious level of co-creation. It is your choice whether you wish to focus your energy in this way. There are many distractions and temptations along the road. It is okay for you to stop or get distracted, but know that the momentum dissipates in this way and must be built again.

There will be many markers along the path. Each marker will give you an opportunity to catch your breath, look back and see how far you have traveled. Yet there will always be a further road ahead. The more you concentrate on our presence, the easier it becomes to continue ahead, knowing that you are always assisted and protected.

Your next marker is a ways up ahead. To get there you must begin a regular and consistent meditation practice using "The Rainbow Bridge" techniques. While there are many effective meditation techniques, it is important to choose at least one that you practice consistently on a daily basis. The Rainbow Bridge techniques are powerful energy building and clearing methods that have worked well for you.

You have some ideas about future work and connecting with others in meditation and service. This will serve each person well in terms of individual awakening and also serve the greater good. It is important just to begin and let the energy build through consistency. As the enregy builds, more will be drawn to its light to participate in personal and planetary awakening.

Start here and let the next steps unfold at the proper time. Blessings in the Divine Light.