Saturday, March 29, 2008

Message on Choosing Your Diet Part 2 (Listen to Your Body)


It is not about reading books. Your human body has its own mechanism to let you know what it accepts or rejects. When you focus on the messages your body gives you, then you can know what is best for you. It is common nowadays for people to look for these answers outside of themselves, trusting medical professionals over themselves. And yet also a new era of body awareness is re-emerging.

There have been many reported abuses from the medical field in which the physician promoted a treatment that was unnecessary to the patient or sometimes simply misdiagnosed the problem. This is not to say that you should not trust medical doctors, for they have spent many years perfecting their science and accumulating wisdom based on experience. However, who has more experience with your body than you?

You should know your body best. The fact is that most people are the last ones to know about their body because they try not to listen to it. In fact they often shut it up. The things that the body tries to tell them are not convenient to their lifestyle and so they ignore the message or the symptoms. By doing this they dishonor the body’s wisdom and they lose touch with the great wealth of knowledge and resources that the body provides.

So we ask that you notice when your body speaks to you. Pay attention after you eat and see what your body is telling you. This is the best way to know how to give your body the nutrition it needs. If you eat something that your body likes, then it will assimilate it much better. When you eat things that your body likes, you feel good.

People nowadays can’t distinguish between their emotions, their mental chatter, and their body. When people follow their emotions, they can eat foods that are not aligned with their body. Becoming aware of one’s emotions is an important step in choosing the right diet. For if one can be aware of when they are not in a state of peaceful balance, they can then recognize if the food cravings come from that emotional craving. It doesn’t even have to be what one might think is a negative emotional state. It could be any emotion that is out of balance.
Over-excitement, for example, could lead to emotional eating just as easily as loneliness or boredom. So it is important to try to watch the emotions and notice the connection between emotions and cravings. For then one can make wise decisions from their body’s viewpoint.

The body, when it is relatively healthy, will not speak loudly.
What we mean is that in order to know what your body wants
to eat, you have to be in a state of mental and emotional stability and balance. For when you are in this state of balance, it will be silent enough for you to tune into your body and hear its desires.

Now when the body is fairly unhealthy or off-balance, it will resort to speaking much louder, and you may be able to know what it needs at that time. Yet, wouldn’t it be better to tune into your body regularly, such that you would know what it desires and be able to keep it in a healthy state of alignment with your highest desire?

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