Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Message on Self Worth

I am starting up my hypnotherapy practice and had been struggling with determining my rates. I felt funny trying to establish this number. I asked for guidance on why I was having difficulty establishing my rates.

Welcome. We are always happy to be exploring this energetic expression with you. We know you want to receive some specific guidance today that will help you with your next step in establishing your healing practice. This is a very important time for you to work through several issues about self and the matter of self worth.

Self worth is a misleading concept because in reality the real sense of value comes from the spiritual self. The physical self is always transient, always changing, and therefore it is not useful to establish a definitive sense of worth coming from this changing physical self. And yet it is possible to establish the rates for the services that you charge - yet you should separate it from this definitive sense of self value. They are different matters. When you can fully understand this, then you will no longer experience a sense of conflict. This conflict is not real. It is an illusion created from the illusion of separation.

The question that we wish to focus our answer upon is not why you have difficulty establishing your rates. It is clear that this comes from an illusion about the connection between your rates and your sense of personal self worth. Once that becomes separate, then it is rather simple. It is simply establishing your rate in connection to the natural value of equal services, equal quality and energy put into the services and time and the success rate. If you factored these qualities in, you can find a sensible and fair rate for your services.

Now, the other issue then is how to truly connect your sense of worth, not to your actions, not to your changing physical state, your changing mental or emotional state, but to your true reality – the unchanging divine essence that you are. This is the real issue at stake, not only for you but for all of humanity. For once you can truly establish your sense of self to this unchanging perfected state of being, then many of your self worth issues, self confidence issues, and self trust issues will evaporate.

So there are many methods for establishing this truer deeper sense of self. The best methods are to connect to it as often as possible through meditation. Another way is through self reflection of this higher state through journaling or dream journaling, also through reading inspired books and through sharing this part of self with others. All of these things will help to establish your true state of being. When you find yourself to be in a lower state or lack of self worth or self confidence, then you can simply note that it is a signal to you that you would do well to connect to this spiritual essence more frequently.

We know that you are always working in that direction and that it is an ebb and flow. When you feel disconnected, you always know the way home. Therefore we wish only to remind you of what you already know. We hope that this message will be of assistance to many others who are struggling with these same issues. There can be many reasons for low self esteem or self worth and yet they are illusions. Regardless of what the experience was in your physical world, just remember that those experiences have come and gone and yet your spiritual essence has always remained. That is the infinite truth about who you really are.

We give our love and blessings to all who wish to open themselves to receive this energy. The higher understandings of who you really are, are becoming easier and clearer to incorporate into the physical realm. We thank you for opening to our message and communication. We look forward to our next opportunity to work together. Blessings.

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