Monday, July 14, 2008

Path of Awakening

It's been such a long time since I posted here. Things picked up a lot with the business and I primarily focused there. Recently I began meditating with a group and felt such a wonderful energy. There was a strong sense that I should continue this sort of meditation, which is stepping down higher vibrations for world healing.

I have started a new blog called Divine Awakening on so that anyone who wishes to learn these practices for personal and planetary awakening can join in. I will be focusing there, so please visit.

After the meditation, I felt the impulse to channel:

You are stepping again upon the path and quickly moving foward in a straight line. You have delineated some from this line, but you are always on this path. The more you consciously choose to follow it, the clearer and wider it becomes. It also gets easier to step. Your steps become quicker and lighter. For when you consciously choose to stay on the course, much assistance can be provide to you. Helping hands reach out to guide you and gently pull you forward. Now is such a time.

We wish to work with you more closely on the conscious level of co-creation. It is your choice whether you wish to focus your energy in this way. There are many distractions and temptations along the road. It is okay for you to stop or get distracted, but know that the momentum dissipates in this way and must be built again.

There will be many markers along the path. Each marker will give you an opportunity to catch your breath, look back and see how far you have traveled. Yet there will always be a further road ahead. The more you concentrate on our presence, the easier it becomes to continue ahead, knowing that you are always assisted and protected.

Your next marker is a ways up ahead. To get there you must begin a regular and consistent meditation practice using "The Rainbow Bridge" techniques. While there are many effective meditation techniques, it is important to choose at least one that you practice consistently on a daily basis. The Rainbow Bridge techniques are powerful energy building and clearing methods that have worked well for you.

You have some ideas about future work and connecting with others in meditation and service. This will serve each person well in terms of individual awakening and also serve the greater good. It is important just to begin and let the energy build through consistency. As the enregy builds, more will be drawn to its light to participate in personal and planetary awakening.

Start here and let the next steps unfold at the proper time. Blessings in the Divine Light.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Message "Staying Centered in an Uncertain World"

Last week I found myself feeling uncharacteristically down and concerned after reading a lot of negative news about the economy. I was also feeling that my plans were not moving as quickly as I'd like despite my actions. What's worse is that I felt bad for feeling bad, because I know better than to fall prey to negativity and fear of the future.

Welcome. Yes, we are aware of the difficulty of staying centered and in trust of the true reality while faced with the fear and anxiety created from the necessary change in structures that is occurring at this time. In fact, one part of you will be very happy to see the old structures and ways crumbling because they no longer suit the higher energies that are coming in at this time. The higher vibrations are not in alignment with these old negative patterns. Yet, still it can be rather disconcerting to have all the structures and the security that they represent crumble.

You will need to be very diligent with your watching practice. Watch your mind and emotions to notice how you are impacted from this information. For if you notice when you begin to feel anxious or fearful, then you can see what triggers these emotions. For each person will have somewhat different triggers. It may be the energy of a particular person, a specific place, or it may be a certain kind of news article that is your trigger.

If you are able to catch when you are triggered, then you can limit your exposure to these triggers in the future. If that isn’t possible, then at least by having this awareness, you can prepare yourself. When you are going to be exposed to such a trigger, you can be sure to ground yourself and make your energy field strong and resilient. Be sure to cleanse your energy field once you have been exposed to your trigger.

The commonly known ways to clear your energy field include meditation, being out in nature, being in water (even a shower or bath), some sort of simple energy sweeping or a more lengthy energy practice such as a reiki treatment. All of these things are wonderful ways to really cleanse your energy. Also, exercise is an excellent way. And eating fresh, raw natural foods, like fruits or vegetables or drinking pure water – these are good as well. Having a regular routine that includes some or all of these things helps naturally protect you from being affected easily from this kind of information.

Other dietary tips would be to limit things such as caffeine or nicotine (although you in particular do not smoke.) But these types of substances will also make you more susceptible to feeling anxious or fearful. So one’s daily habits are very important. Daily physical habits of diet, exercise, and of course enough sleep, and also habits of watching one’s mind and emotions. Not controlling, per se, but watching. For we do not feel it is always in one’s best interests to control emotions. Give them the proper outlet and attention that they deserve.

If some emotion comes up and it is not a good time to deal with it, put it away but with the promise of a set time when you will look at this emotion again. If you are true to your word, then this will be a very wonderful way to heal and express and work with those emotions. However, if you make a promise to that part of yourself and you don’t follow through, then you will be creating blockage. It will have a strong negative impact on you.

So, it is important to be true to oneself. It may not always be convenient to give your emotions access at any time or place. However, most everyone can give themselves some private time during the day in which they will work through these emotions. Preferably at the end of the day, you can process whatever comes up. It is a wonderful practice to take just ten to fifteen minutes before you go to bed to review how your day has been mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. How did it go today? What would I like to look at again? What do I wish went differently? What do I feel great about?

Whatever has not been settled, you may quickly settle it. Quickly means that if you wish something went differently, imagine how it could have been different. What would have been the best outcome? Create it in your mind. Experience it. Try not to go to bed with anything left unsettled. If you make this daily clearing practice part of your routine, we assure that you will have many physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

You will find that you feel happier, more centered and balanced; even that your dreams begin to take on a higher vibration. For whatever isn’t settled at the end of the day can appear in your dreams. If you do this clearing at the end of the day, then your dreamtime will reflect the higher positive energy that you ended your day on. These are simple ways that you may keep yourself protected from the illusion of insecurity and negativity that is becoming more prevalent as changes occur.

You already are familiar with the principles of the Law of the Attraction and the fact that you create your reality. Know that in these changing times some things may take a little longer to manifest because the greater collective energy will be influencing you more. Very strong old energetic patterns are in flux.

Try not to take it personally when things don’t happen in the timeframe that you expect. It is not a personal failure. Keep your motivation and positivity strong. You can help others do the same. When this happens, these changes will flow more quickly and more smoothly. This is our wish for all of you. We thank you for this communication.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Message on Choosing Your Diet Part 3 (Become Your Own Expert)


When we use this term “highest desire” we are referring to desires that come from your spiritual self. These are the highest desires. The more one connects to this spiritual self or higher self through meditation, through dreams, through healing, through art or creative expression, the more that it will become apparent what the highest desires are. Therefore, it is an ongoing process.

Do not expect to be there in any particular time. It is truly a process and not a definitive goal or place. It requires awareness and presence in each moment, watching one’s thoughts and emotions and making the effort to be in the now. We know this is the challenge of being human, and so it is to be expected that you may feel overwhelmed by this pursuit. Yet note the small progresses made and do not become discouraged. This is the long answer to the question.
The short answer could be summarized very simply:

Do whatever feels best to you, for it is a personal choice what you wish to eat.

No matter what you have read or heard, there will never be complete agreement from all the experts as to what is right for someone even in the exact same position as you. So become your own expert and choose with confidence and faith in your ability to be in charge of your life. It is a wonderful responsibility to hold.

You are king of your life. You are the expert of your life. You are the president of your life. You are the CEO of your life and all of the departments of your life – health, relationship, family, career, hobbies, you are the department heads. So knowing that, you can move forward with confidence and excitement. You have been empowered to make these decisions on behalf of you.
With that, we wish you blessings.

Message on Choosing Your Diet Part 2 (Listen to Your Body)


It is not about reading books. Your human body has its own mechanism to let you know what it accepts or rejects. When you focus on the messages your body gives you, then you can know what is best for you. It is common nowadays for people to look for these answers outside of themselves, trusting medical professionals over themselves. And yet also a new era of body awareness is re-emerging.

There have been many reported abuses from the medical field in which the physician promoted a treatment that was unnecessary to the patient or sometimes simply misdiagnosed the problem. This is not to say that you should not trust medical doctors, for they have spent many years perfecting their science and accumulating wisdom based on experience. However, who has more experience with your body than you?

You should know your body best. The fact is that most people are the last ones to know about their body because they try not to listen to it. In fact they often shut it up. The things that the body tries to tell them are not convenient to their lifestyle and so they ignore the message or the symptoms. By doing this they dishonor the body’s wisdom and they lose touch with the great wealth of knowledge and resources that the body provides.

So we ask that you notice when your body speaks to you. Pay attention after you eat and see what your body is telling you. This is the best way to know how to give your body the nutrition it needs. If you eat something that your body likes, then it will assimilate it much better. When you eat things that your body likes, you feel good.

People nowadays can’t distinguish between their emotions, their mental chatter, and their body. When people follow their emotions, they can eat foods that are not aligned with their body. Becoming aware of one’s emotions is an important step in choosing the right diet. For if one can be aware of when they are not in a state of peaceful balance, they can then recognize if the food cravings come from that emotional craving. It doesn’t even have to be what one might think is a negative emotional state. It could be any emotion that is out of balance.
Over-excitement, for example, could lead to emotional eating just as easily as loneliness or boredom. So it is important to try to watch the emotions and notice the connection between emotions and cravings. For then one can make wise decisions from their body’s viewpoint.

The body, when it is relatively healthy, will not speak loudly.
What we mean is that in order to know what your body wants
to eat, you have to be in a state of mental and emotional stability and balance. For when you are in this state of balance, it will be silent enough for you to tune into your body and hear its desires.

Now when the body is fairly unhealthy or off-balance, it will resort to speaking much louder, and you may be able to know what it needs at that time. Yet, wouldn’t it be better to tune into your body regularly, such that you would know what it desires and be able to keep it in a healthy state of alignment with your highest desire?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Message on Choosing Your Diet Part 1

My significant other has a hard time being a vegetarian because of his work. He travels a lot, eats at odd hours and doesn't have time to leave the hotel to eat. He was wanting to know if it was right for him to be a vegetarian on the road since he often doesn't seem to get enough to eat by choosing no-meat options.

The reply was lengthy, so I split it into three parts.

Yes. We are really wanting to explain this dietary concept to you and others who have a similar concern. The question often arises nowadays whether one should be in alignment with their value system or with their lifestyle. There is no simple answer, for we are not here to be the decision-makers for you in your lives, nor are we here to pass judgment upon your choices.

We, instead, wish to assist you in becoming clear as to what is your highest desire. For when you follow your highest desire, then your physical self will in fact align itself to that highest goal. When there is conflict within oneself as to what you truly and sincerely wish (given the specific limitations that are involved in the lifestyle that you have chosen for yourself,) then the resulting impact on the body will also reflect this conflict.

There are no wrong decisions universally. There are decisions that will have a negative impact for you when you are not in alignment with your own highest desire. So we throw the ball back into your court, as is the expression, by asking you which is your highest desire? Is it to be vegetarian, in this case, or is it to have enough food options available to you? Now, it is not really so black or white. There is no reason why you cannot be a vegetarian and have enough food, even with the limitations of traveling often.

However, it requires a lot of effort and planning on your part. So we would add one more value to consider. Which is of the highest priority? Being vegetarian? Having a lot of food to eat? Having a simple and uncomplicated meal decision and planning process? There needs to be clarity within your self. Which is first and last in priority? When you have your own priority system intact, then you can create your own guidelines for how you choose your diet.

For instance, if being a vegetarian is of the highest priority, then you will understand that the meal planning and preparation in order to be true to your highest priority will require more effort. You can simply accept that, knowing that you have made your choice in alignment with your highest priority.

If in fact it is more important, say to have more time for relaxation and less stress or planning around the meal process; then if sometimes you cannot follow the vegetarianism, it will be acceptable as well. There are no wrong answers. There is only what is in alignment with your own chosen value system. So we wish you to give some thought to what is most important to you.

On that level, when you have that clarity, then the other thing to note is how your body feels when you eat as a vegetarian or when you eat meat or fish. If you can pay more attention to how your body responds, you will know what is right for it. This is true not only for vegetarianism, not only for you individually, but for all people.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Message on Writing with the Higher Self

As previously mentioned, I am starting up my hypnotherapy practice. My website is up and running.

Now I am in the process of writing articles for the website, to provide more information about how hypnotherapy can help people. Perhaps I may start a blog on hypnotherapy there. As I was writing today, I wondered if perhaps I should connect to my Higher Self first.

Yes, we believe it would be highly beneficial for you to partner with your higher self when writing articles to be shared with potential clients and the general public. For in fact, in this way, you are actually demonstrating the benefits of connecting within – the very benefits you are writing about in a slightly different context. The method may be different, but the goal of the work is the same. You will be assisting others in connecting to their higher selves and empowering themselves to find their answers from within.

When you write from a place of higher wisdom, the energy vibrates through the words. On some level people respond to the vibration of your writing, whether or not they recognize this. So even if someone were to write an article with positive and uplifting words, but in fact had a bad intention, many people would not be drawn to this person. Something feels not quite right, even if they are not sure what it is. In contrast, when you write positive uplifting words imbued with your highest loving intention for the reader, the reader will also be drawn somewhat unconsciously to the message. A part of the person knows that the message is speaking to their higher self. The degree to which the person is connected or desiring to connect to their higher consciousness will determine the degree to which this person is drawn to your message.

Always write from the highest, most loving space available to you. This principle of course applies to all things you do, to all your work. Most people know that what they put out is what they get back. Yet it is not always easy to stay in conscious awareness of that principle. The benefit of writing is that it is mostly a very conscious deliberate effort. Therefore you can practice it with the greatest awareness of what you wish to convey and how it can be of most benefit to you and to others.

One more thing. Please remember to always write down our answers to your questions. They can be valuable to other people. Even things that seem very simple or practical in nature have an immense value to others. We always endeavor to answer in a way that will benefit a wider audience than simply you. This is not to say that your questions are insignificant, but rather, that each person’s individual struggles have a common theme to all humanity. It sometimes takes an intuitive mind or a discerning heart to see the similarities rather than the differences however.

We wish you a good day. Blessings.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Message on Connecting to Higher Self and Guides

My significant other has been reading and doing the exercises from "Opening to Channel." He has had some good experiences, but also he has felt some frustration at not being able to connect with his guides the way he wants. He asked me to channel on the best way for him to connect with his guides.

Welcome. We wish to honor this connection with you. We are delighted to respond to your inquiry. We wish for you to begin communicating with your higher self first and then with your guides. This is a crucial step that enables the strengthening of spiritual connection. If you would be so kind as to begin by making a regular practice of meditation, any form that you wish will assist you in becoming familiar with these realms. It can be a simple daily practice. It need not be complicated, for the intention is half the battle. When you make the intention to connect with your higher self every day and you follow through with some sort of action, you are automatically strengthening that connection. It is rather simple, isn’t it?

This is the groundwork for the connection to your guides. First you want to make a pathway, a pure and protected pathway for your guides to communicate with you through. So this will be how it begins. If you wish, you can simply close your eyes and think of your higher self, or create some sort of imagery or sensory perception. Whether it be through words or images or sensations, the effect is the same. It is an arbitrary process. It only matters that you have the intention and you create an action that you consistently follow through with. This is how to strengthen the higher self connection.

The more you think about your higher self and wonder what your higher self thinks or how your higher self acts and behaves, the more you become your higher self. It can be something you do on your down time. When you are traveling or waiting for something, you can simply think about your higher self or wonder what your higher self would be doing, how it would be expressing itself if you were your higher self. Wondering about it is calling it to you. Thinking about it, writing about it, meditating with the idea of connecting to it – all of this is part of establishing this connection.

When you are in a meditative state, it doesn’t really matter what you experience. It is still successful. If you go into a meditative state with the purpose of connecting to your higher self, you have successfully connected. Whether or not you are aware of it or have any amazing insights, it still works. So trust this and let this be your first step. It is a crucial step. Just through taking this step daily and on a consistent basis, you will grow a lot spiritually.

It is important, if one is to connect to the higher realms, to keep that person’s energy system in a high and loving place as much as you can. Now we are not saying that you need to be an enlightened being or even a highly spiritual being in order to connect with your guides, but it will assist you greatly in this process if you are able to stay in the most loving state available to you. For, if we carry our worries and fears, it can be hard at those times to connect to this higher state. This higher state, nonetheless, is always available to you. So the more you practice being in it, the more natural and easily available this connection will be.

We hope that you are willing to make this small effort. For, in fact, your guides are there with you all the time, even though you are not able to always see or feel or sense them. Don’t doubt their love for you and their support of you. Even when things don’t seem to be going the way you intended them to go, don’t doubt that the universe is always supporting your highest good. Don’t allow your fears to block your true nature, your true knowingness of the perfection and universal order. It is always there. It is always available to everyone. All that is needed is some practice on how to be able to sense this perfection and love and beauty that is always right underneath the surface.

We recommend just starting this way, just making this connection to your higher self. The word “just” is not meant to diminish this action whatsoever, for this is in fact, a very big action to make the connection to the higher self. There is no one best way to connect to the higher self. Don’t discount the way that you work best. There is no need to fit yourself into another’s mold. This is not to say that you will not develop your gifts more and more over the time that you practice and develop this connection. Of course you will. Of course many more ways of connecting and communicating will be possible and available for you.

However, it is important to work with what you have in this moment and not to discount all that you have achieved to get to this point. For, in fact, you have made great strides just in the past few years. So rather than focusing on the gaps between where you are and where you want to be, take a moment to look back and reflect upon how far you have come and how exciting it is to be exactly where you are - exactly at the perfect point of your growth and development. We hope you will see yourself the way that we see you, as a bright shining light that is beginning to surface and become even brighter. It is like a flower bud that is blossoming. What an amazing and very natural sight. It is humbling even to be present to witness such an event.

Have we answered your question to your satisfaction? For we most sincerely want to assist you in this process. (Yes.)

Then we most humbly ask that if you have any more questions in the future, please call upon us again. For we work in conjunction with your guides and your higher self. Yet we also know and trust that you will be getting many more messages from your higher self in the near future. You will receive these as insights and as dreams and sometimes as messages through other people. So be open to all of the ways that messages can come. Sometimes you may have a sudden desire to read something from a specific book or you may find a website that you are drawn to. Don’t discount these as ways that you are communicating and connecting with your higher self. It is a very multi-layered, multi-dimensional process of communication.

We wish you a lovely day and we give you our blessings.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Message on Self Worth

I am starting up my hypnotherapy practice and had been struggling with determining my rates. I felt funny trying to establish this number. I asked for guidance on why I was having difficulty establishing my rates.

Welcome. We are always happy to be exploring this energetic expression with you. We know you want to receive some specific guidance today that will help you with your next step in establishing your healing practice. This is a very important time for you to work through several issues about self and the matter of self worth.

Self worth is a misleading concept because in reality the real sense of value comes from the spiritual self. The physical self is always transient, always changing, and therefore it is not useful to establish a definitive sense of worth coming from this changing physical self. And yet it is possible to establish the rates for the services that you charge - yet you should separate it from this definitive sense of self value. They are different matters. When you can fully understand this, then you will no longer experience a sense of conflict. This conflict is not real. It is an illusion created from the illusion of separation.

The question that we wish to focus our answer upon is not why you have difficulty establishing your rates. It is clear that this comes from an illusion about the connection between your rates and your sense of personal self worth. Once that becomes separate, then it is rather simple. It is simply establishing your rate in connection to the natural value of equal services, equal quality and energy put into the services and time and the success rate. If you factored these qualities in, you can find a sensible and fair rate for your services.

Now, the other issue then is how to truly connect your sense of worth, not to your actions, not to your changing physical state, your changing mental or emotional state, but to your true reality – the unchanging divine essence that you are. This is the real issue at stake, not only for you but for all of humanity. For once you can truly establish your sense of self to this unchanging perfected state of being, then many of your self worth issues, self confidence issues, and self trust issues will evaporate.

So there are many methods for establishing this truer deeper sense of self. The best methods are to connect to it as often as possible through meditation. Another way is through self reflection of this higher state through journaling or dream journaling, also through reading inspired books and through sharing this part of self with others. All of these things will help to establish your true state of being. When you find yourself to be in a lower state or lack of self worth or self confidence, then you can simply note that it is a signal to you that you would do well to connect to this spiritual essence more frequently.

We know that you are always working in that direction and that it is an ebb and flow. When you feel disconnected, you always know the way home. Therefore we wish only to remind you of what you already know. We hope that this message will be of assistance to many others who are struggling with these same issues. There can be many reasons for low self esteem or self worth and yet they are illusions. Regardless of what the experience was in your physical world, just remember that those experiences have come and gone and yet your spiritual essence has always remained. That is the infinite truth about who you really are.

We give our love and blessings to all who wish to open themselves to receive this energy. The higher understandings of who you really are, are becoming easier and clearer to incorporate into the physical realm. We thank you for opening to our message and communication. We look forward to our next opportunity to work together. Blessings.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Message on Not Fearing the Reactions of Others

I have been out of country for a couple of weeks. These are excerpts from my last channeling session in February. Mostly I was wondering about whether this blog was too strange for people I know to relate to. Also this is one of the first vocally channeled messages I did, so we were working together to fine tune the process energetically. Most of the other posted messages were channeled via writing.

The short paragraph about relationships was pretty useful to me. I guess in the past I felt that relationships should require little effort. Now I am realizing that putting more "work" into a relationship not only takes the relationship to a new level but benefits me spiritually.

Welcome to the world that you are creating. It is a world of excitement and adventure through the medium that we call channeling. It is our pleasure to work through you in this way. You will find that the energy continues to fluctuate until a greater stability has developed. We are wanting to experiment a bit with how to best utilize the flow of energy through you and how to create a connection that will best reflect our energies and our message.

If you will be so kind as to patiently work with us, we would be most grateful. We ask that you recognize this as a growth opportunity for all of us. Mostly today we simply want to practice and to begin to feel on both ends what it’s like when our energy merges and works together in this delicate collaboration. It is in fact a highly creative way of expressing the commonalities of our energetic systems.

We welcome whatever ideas and suggestions you may have for developing this new way of working together. There will be new sensations as well as new sounds and tones that may begin to show themselves the more we practice together, therefore do not attach yourself to any way of interacting. For it would only restrict the natural growing process of how our energetic patterns would like to be expressed more fully through you.

And now we would say only that we have much, much, much awareness of what you are going through and we never judge what you experience. So it is not necessary for you to concern yourself with how we view you and your abilities, for they are always highly appreciated and accepted by us at every level and every point in this process. You are always where you need to be. If you need guidance on any particular area or topic we will be most joyfully available to assist you.

We wish to offer you a message of hope, for there are some new developments in your energetic patterns that will be conducive to greater spiritual development and a greater magnetic pull to the things which you most highly desire, which is mainly to work on spiritual awakening with others. These opportunities are very much present in your energetic system. Whenever you do experience these things, give thanks and appreciation and you will see them grow and develop even further -always focusing and fully enjoying the experience of getting what you want. This way you can make it occur even more. This joyful appreciative energy is extremely magnetic and will build upon itself.

We have one more thing that we want to say, which is to not fear the reactions of others. Those who are ready to hear your message will accept it, even in its sometimes bizarre or new ways of thinking. Those who are not ready will find that they are not even attracted enough to read the material. Or it will just seem so foreign to them that it will be impossible to follow through with and read fully. So your energy will attract those who are ready and willing to work on their spiritual growth.

Never fear -you are always ready to be of service to those who are also ready. As long as you do not force your opinions on those who do not wish to hear, then it is always an important part of your growth to share whatever you are learning and working on spiritually so that those who need that guidance and reassurance can find what they need and resonate to. It will be so helpful for you to continue sharing, even if it seems to fall on deaf ears. Just put the words out there and when people are ready to hear them, they will go and read the messages. If they aren’t ready yet, don’t push them. But let it be available, that’s all you need do.

One last thing is how you are working in your relationship. That is a wonderful arena for you to work through some of the old and long-standing blocked areas. So keep a positive attitude about the work that you are doing there. Remember that things are always in flux and changing. Whatever you see and experience in one moment may not be true in the next. So being free from the past and free from the future will allow you to grow and heal the most.

We congratulate you on taking this big step forward and we assure you that we will always be available whenever you are calling for us. Don’t worry about that. Simply keep practicing and allowing yourself to get used to this experience. Then it will be your second nature, as well as ours. We thank you for this opportunity. We send our love and blessings to you knowing that you are ready for this step

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who to Channel

A friend who reads this blog asked me a couple valid questions about channeling:

1. How does a person determine who to channel? For instance, why do I channel Will and the Three instead of say, an archangel or Jesus?

2. How can I trust who I am channeling?

1.) In answer to the first question, I would say that people channel who they resonate with. A channeling relationship is developed like any other working relationship. Two parties have similar goals and compatible energies.

Think back to when you were in school. More than one teacher taught the same subject. But you probably found that you enjoyed one teacher over the other. Even though they taught the same material, the way it was presented affected how open you were to it. The same happens when you choose a doctor or therapist or counselor. Everyone resonates with different energies.

You know how you have that one friend who has known you forever and therefore understands you better than anyone? Will is that sort of guide for me. I can relate well to him because we have shared one or more past lives together. He has a certain greater awareness because, being out of the body, he is not constrained by time and space. He also has a sense of humor which I relate well to. He can tell me things in his funny way and help me lighten up about myself.

The Three, as far as I know, have never been human. They bring through information from a much higher perspective and yet sometimes can feel a bit impersonal. We resonate because we share a common goal of wanting to bring light to this planet and to help people connect to their higher selves and their inner light.

There are many people channeling many "unseen friends." Some people channel to receive very specific information in areas like science, art or music. So, just like acquaintances and working relationships in the physical world, these partnerships are formed based on resonance and common interests.

2.) As for how to know who to trust, again I think it is similar to how we form physical world relationships. Once you establish that connection, you usually go by:

- How do I feel when we connect? Joyful, nervous, inspired, afraid?

- Is the information they share useful to me?

- Do we share common values and a common purpose?

- Do they honor my free will and respect my right to make my own choices?

Your communication should leave you feeling uplifted and positive. Otherwise it is time to find a new friend.

Message on 2nd & 3rd Chakras

This message was channeled right after the new year. Based upon the chakra information I received in the previous message, I wanted to know more about what was going on in my 2nd chakra. I called it my "blocked chakra," but the term used in class was "least vibrant chakra."

Question: Please give me more information about my blocked chakra(s).

We, the Three, are happy to speak with you today. We share blessings for this new year, full of hope and surprises. Be ever ready to receive and always stay open to opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

We wish to answer your question regarding your chakras. Note that the condition, shape, color, and density of the energy in your chakras can change by the moment and fluctuates somewhat all the time. However, due to certain longstanding belief forms, there will be some blockages that appear relatively stable.

We mention this so that you know it is always in your power to change the st
ate of your chakras at any moment. The word "blockage" in itself can feel very heavy and scary. We use it very lightly here, more in terms of an area that could use more love and light for healing. Allow this new year 2008 to be a time of transformation, when you release the illusory shackles of old limiting belief structures.

Now, having said that, let us look at the chakras which could use more love and light. The tw
o primary areas would be the 2nd and 3rd chakras. These two have been working in conjunction with one another to maintain an old limiting belief pattern.

There is guilt that has been repressing the 2nd chakra. An old negative belief is held that it is wrong or selfish to seek pleasure for oneself. This energy instead gets pumped into the 3rd chakra, which holds the belief structure that "doing" or applying one's will to create tangible results is the true worthy use of one's time and energy. Therefore, the 2nd chakra has become underdeveloped and the 3rd chakra has become overdeveloped.

Over time the 2nd chakra becomes weak and insecure from underuse and begins depending on the 3rd chakra for strength. The 3rd chakra becomes over-confident, arroga
nt in a way, because of its excessive power. What began as a helpful relationship becomes an unnatural, unhealthy co-dependency. As long as this relationship continues in this manner, each chakra has little room to grow. Both are afraid of change.

Now, it is true that this is an exaggeration of sorts. Can you see how human relationships are so affected by these little invisible energy centers? The most important things to notice is that this relationship structure is built on a couple of faulty beliefs. This is the key to understanding how to heal these chakras. For or course, an energy healer could simply redirect the energy from the 3rd chakra to the 2nd charka and create a beautiful balanced energy structure again. However, if the beliefs are not adressed that created the imbalance, the same pattern will re-emerge once again.

A helpful exercise for you would be to write a paragraph or a page on each chakra. Write down what each chakra represents and explore your beliefs on each topic. When you have finished all the chakra paragraphs, look them over and notice if there are any inconsistencies among the beliefs you hold. Notice if there are any patterns or relationshipsin which one chakra may be compensating for another. Then go back to each chakra and write a paragraph for each on what you want.

For each day of the week, choose a chakra to work with. Start the day by focusing on what you want from that chakra, how you'd like to be and what beliefs you choose. Stay aware throughout the day of how you use the energy of that chakra. At the end of the day note any discoveries of changes. Do this practice at least once a month and you will grow immensely.

Our blessings to you.

Message on Chakras

Chakras are the seven major energy centers along our body. There is a lot of information on chakras available in books and on the web. If you have not studied the chakra system, I highly recommend it for personal/spiritual growth. Some of the information will vary slightly but to me it's not important.The chakras number from bottom to top. The way our teacher had us classify chakras is:

1st (red) - safety/security
2nd (orange) - capacity for pleasure/creativity
3rd (yellow) - emotions/personal power
4th (green) - giving/receiving love
5th (blue)- self expression
6th (indigo) - intuition/imagination
7th (violet) - cosmic (god) connection

We were asked in class to channel information on which chakra is our most vibrant and which is our least.

Yes, we the Three,would love to share this exciting information with you on such a fascinating and engrossing topic. The energy center or chakra as you call it that is most vibrant for you is the seventh, followed closely by the sixth.

Why is that you inquire? It is because you have chosen this particular spiritual focus for many lifetimes. It is a habit almost. But more than that, it is the focus of your joyful service in this lifetime. That connection has been built over these many lifetimes.

Your second chakra is already known to you to be least vibrant. This is such an opportunity for you to work through some issues you have chosen to avoid for several lifetimes. Do you see how the chakras become vibrant through your focused attention?

Your issue with allowing yourself to experience pleasure is closely tied to third chakra issues of p
ower and control, so it would be good for you to work with this area as well. This is also about balancing the masculine energy of the 3rd chakra with the feminine energy of the 2nd chakra.

One way y
ou could practice this is to give yourself some time each day to do your logical (masculine) activities and also give yourself equal time to express the creative (feminine) energy. Also start to notice how much of your time is spent each day in each chakra. Try to get a sense of how you choose, through your focus of attention and activity, which chakras will be expressed most.

Throughout your day or week, try to give more time and energy (pun intended) to the chakras that have been less expressed. Consciously create your own inner balance and enjoy the process of being your own healer. Have fun with the process and try not to judge - just notice what comes up. Working with your chakras in this way can be very magical.

Good luck and blessings.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Message on the Inner Critic

What can I do to quiet my inner critic and become more accepting of myself?

Yes, we the Three are here once again. It is always our wish to bring blessings and guidance to brighten your life.

It is only a matter of focus that determines what you experience. In your case, the Inner Critic comes out to play when you are looking to critique something. This has been the pattern in the past, so this focus comes almost unconsciously, quite naturally to you now.

The first step to change this pattern would be to make a conscious effort to notice when you fall into this habit. Then you can consciously choose to focus in a positive manner instead. Call this subpersonality the Inner Helper if you wish. This is a new model for improvement and constructive criticism. Instead of telling you what you did wrong, the Inner Helper will assist you in becoming the best you, showing you even more ways to be a being of light and love.

We are all perfect beings. It is only our faulty beliefs that create blocks which don't allow the perfection to fully embody in us. If you can remember that you are a perfect being of light, you will not buy into the "faults" you perceive while here on the Earth Plane. It is an illusion.

Remember that the true lesson is learning how to embody your full light while here on Earth and to perceive all life as the perfect life forms they truly are. Let go of trying to rid yourself of the Inner Critic. This persona was doing its best to help you in the only way it knew how. Heal this part with love and gratitude.

Don't be afraid. Don't run away. Transform any negative energies with love and gratitude. This is the key to healing yourself and others. Simple isn't it? We send our warmest blessings to you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Message on Decision Making

A friend I will call "John" asked for guidance. He was feeling stressed about deciding whether to change his career path. I think most of us can relate to this at some point in our life.

Question: What should John do about his job situation?

Yes, it is we, the Three, here to answer your inquiry with the highest love and joy. Our messages are always aligned with the highest good. We wish to provide insight and inspiration, for the choices and decisions are always yours to make. That is the fun and the purpose of being in the physical realm, is it not?

But here we might add that there are always tools available to you to assist in the decision making process. It is in this way that we may lighten your load and ease your troubled mind. For your friend's mind has taken on too much responsibility for his future. This has unnecessarily created a burden to him. In fact, the decision making process is a shared responsibility. The true responsibility lies first and foremost with the Higher Self.

The Higher S
elf is always the one directing the ship, regardless of whether the personality is aware of its existence or not. The heart is the key to knowing which paths are in alignment with the Higher Self. If it truly feels great in the heart, then the mind knows that it is its turn to take over. Once it has the okay signal so to speak, the mind's job is to create the specific plan or blueprint based on the direction the heart has indicated in conjunction with the Higher Self.

Nowadays, most anxiety and stress occur because the mind has taken over the whole job for itself. Can you imagine how burdened and overworked it has become? The heart has been ignored or repressed and denied its important role in the decision-making process.

The Higher Self, however, is not really affected by this change. It is always the true navigator of the ship. It will continue to steer the ship in its intended direction. Yet, when the mind chooses a path not in conjunction to the heart and the higher self, it will experience frustration, delays and setbacks.

Of course this is all a nice analogy, you say, but how can this specifically help me? What can I do to better hear and know my heart? The truth is as simple as they say in the Abraham-Hicks material - let your emotions be your feedback system. If it feels good, you are on track. It is as simple as that. And yet not so simple if you haven't practiced it.

The key would be to make it your habit first. Before using this system for big decision-making, you need to make it your everyday habit. This means constantly watching your emotional state and becoming clear in each moment on what you are thinking and feeling. That is the way out of this mess, by getting in touch with your emotions.

It may sound like a lot of work, but we assure you that it's quite fun. Don't be afraid of the emotions. Get to know them. They are friends. They have been with you for so long and yet they are not you. Emotions are merely guideposts, friends who help point the way.

This is not the simple easy answer perhaps, but it is the most empowering method for becoming confident and secure in one's own decision-making ability.

Our blessings to you.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Message on Suffering and Peace

Question: I am very saddened and angry about what has been going on politically around the world in places like Iraq and Tibet. What's the solution? What can I do?

We, the Three, wish to bring the light of peace and inspiration to you this evening. It can be very disheartening to see the disempowerment and suffering of your fellow human beings around the world. We congratulate you on your courage to face the issues, to not look the other way, and to keep your heart open and ask for help.

It is not easy
to be embodied in the human form at this time, nor could it have ever been considered easy - not for the most sensitive souls. This world's evolution has been based in periods of violence followed by periods of awakening - so much so that some would argue that violence is a necessary precursor to peace. It may have been true along the way, but it is no longer so.

What you are experiencing in your own heart and mind is a reflection of what is occurring throughout the world. People are awakening. Yes, ind different ways and at different paces. Don't allow yourself to become disheartened by the vicious acts perpetrated by what appears to be many people. These acts are really designed and controlled by a small yet seemingly powerful group of individuals.

What is their greatest tool? It is not guns or bombs, it is ignorance. Through the use of misinformati
on, these people have enabled themselves great power. Yet, if people are ready and willing, it may be through the same medium of information that they may become empowered again. As you know, information has become easily and readily available in this modern age.

So the real q
uestion is, "Are people ready and willing to receive this information and to take necessary actions that their conscience, their higher self, requires?" What can you do to assist? You can only do what is in the best interest of every human being - follow the guidance of your own higher self.

By now you may have begun to notice a theme in our messages. Ask yourself, "What would my higher self do?" Do you think anyone who truly connected with their higher self would have hate in t
heir heart? Higher self knows the oneness of all living things.

What can you do? Perhaps you can help others discover their higher self. What a gift this would be to each person and to the whole world. If every human being could trust themselves and their neighbors and discover their own infinite resources of love, peace and compassion ~ heaven on earth would surely exist. You know the answer. You already knew it - it starts from within.

Goodnight an
d blessings.

`Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.’ Martin Luther King Jr

Message on Discipline

The Three, we are here today. We give you our greetings and shower you with love and support. Your discipline is admirable and will be an ally to you in developing your channeling skill.

Discipline is indeed a friend, yet many become enslaved unconsciously by it. Always utilize discipline with awareness and by choice, recognizing its gifts of strength and focus. Discipline provides a wonderful opportunity to stretch the "will muscles."

People often use will in a powerful unbending manner to enforce their belief structures into action and tangible results. However, think how good it feels to gently stretch your muscles. Think of how flexible you become over time when you regularly stretch. Discipline is the way to stretch your will muscle. Notice how wonderful it feels and enjoy the continuous process without an attachment to the result.

Discipline is a gift you may only bestow upon yourself. No one else may give it to you, although they may model it for you.

Do not confuse discipline with reprimanding. These words are used interchangeably at times in your society,yet this is not the discipline we speak of. Discipline is the natural, wonderful expression of your will muscle. Enjoy flexing it.

We always appreciate your attention to our message and your connection to us. Blessings.

Message on Trust

It is we, the Three, who have come here to bring a message of light and hope to your day. We are honored to connect with you and hope to establish a deeper bond that will enhance our communications.

Today is a day of love and trust. Trust and love your Self. Whenever you face insecurity and doubt, remember the higher wisdom and awareness available to you through your own higher self. Just allow yourself to get quiet inside and ask your higher self any questions or for guidance.
Gustav Klimt "Mother"

Or, another method is just to imagine, "What would my higher self do?" the way that others have created, "What would Jesus do?" It is the same technique of automatically
resonating to a higher vibration and enabling yourself to access the higher wisdom. It is always available to you when you get clear inside and simply reach for the highest, most loving response.

Trust is a big issue for most all human beings on Earth at this time. Trust in the higher good and in your true nature. You are infinite love and light. THIS is your true nature. The more you can see this light in your Self, the easier it will be to see it in everyone and everything.

We are so pleased to communicate with you today. Blessings.

Message on Solving Financial Disagreements

In channeling class, Will (my guide) introduced me to some other beings who wished to channel through me. They simply called themselves "the Three."

I asked this question to them:
My significant other and I are in disagreement over how our money should be managed. How can we settle our money differences?

We, the Three, wish to offer a new perspective on your financial disagreement. It is helpful to look at each individual's needs in this case and how those needs can best be met. Focus on the essence of the issue, which is these unmet needs, and you will be able to create a solution that satisfies you both.

One of you wishes for more security. One of you wishes for more freedom. Do
you see how the needs are so different and yet are both attempting to be met through the medium of money? Rather than work on money issues, work on security and freedom issues.

Think of many possibilities of how to provide a sense of greater security. There are so many possibilities, including money-oriented possibilities. Then look at all the possibilities for creating grea
ter freedom for the other. There are again, so many ways to offer freedom, so many means to capture its essence.

When each individual has these core needs met, you will find the issue of money becomes rather simple to manage. Always look to the essence of each individual's needs when you find yourself in conflict or disagreement. It is important to be clear on both your own needs and the needs of each other.

Be the source of fulfillment of your own needs first and then of each other's needs. The source is never a material thing. The solution to meeting your needs always exists within you. When you find it, share it with the other person so you may light the way for their own self-discovery.

We embrace you with our love and light and thank you for establishing a new connection with us. Blessings.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Message on Dreams

My dream recall is generally pretty good. I started working with my dreams probably 12 years ago or so. Usually just having the intention of writing them down makes them occur more often. Some nights I can remember 3 dreams. But at this point I wasn't seeming to get much even though I set the intention to remember.

Question: Why are my dreams so muddled and unclear these days?

Your perception is that your dreams are not clear, however it is in fact, your waking mind which is not clear. Your conscious mind, as the receiver of the subconscious or superconscious dream message, has been filtering out chunks of information. This leaves you with an unclear story, as if the pages had been ripped out between the beginning and end of a book.

Your waking mind has been besieged with many other concerns that get in the way of clear perception upon awakening. A tool that you may utilize to assist in the clarity of your dream recall would be to let go of any worries or concerns for the next day - the night before. Before you go to bed at night, take actions necessary such that the following morning is well-ordered and prepared for.

Set your alarm with enough time to get ready the next morning. Take care of whatever can be ahead of time and affirm to yourself that the rest will be handled by God or your higher self, whichever affirmation feels most comfortable to you. Fully trust and affirm that all is in order when you fall asleep. Awaken slowly and peacefully, maintaining that trust that all is well and as it should be.

Think of you mind like a lake. When it is calm and peaceful you can clearly see your reflection. When it is turbulent, you will get a choppy unclear image. That is true not only for your dreamwork, but for all of your life experience. If you practice this exercise every night and morning, you will find greater clarity and a deeper awareness in everything you do.

Message "The Key to Our Connection"

I had come across a few messsages I channeled several years ago. These messages seemed more eloquent and profound and I started to wonder if my unseen friends weren't coming through to me like they did in the past.

Hello again. It is your friend Will. I am so glad that you called upon me tonight. I have always been but a thought away. It is only the summoning of me and your other unseen friends through your desire or intention that creates the opening for this channeled message to come through.

Your intention/desire and its intensity is what creates the strength of the connection and the degree of the opening for the message. The clarity has more to do with the ability to step aside and leave a clear space for our expression to flow in. We are always just a thought away, ever ready to communicate our love and support to you. Never allow yourself to believe that it is we who are abandoning you. That key to open the door to our communication rests firmly in your hand. In fact, it is not even possible for you to lose that key. It is as much a part of you as your fingers.

However, there may be times when you forget it is there. At other times you may have difficulty
seeing it due to self-created blocks to your vision. That is okay as well. The more you use this key, the more you will trust and know that it is always there. Try not to judge the beauty or depth of these messages at this point. If the content uplifts you and has value to you, this is enough. What is beauty, but in the eye of the beholder (as it has been said so beautifully by another.)

This point in your channeling practice is about developing the connection and learning to trust the process. Everything else will unfold in due time. Know that as you were the channel before for beautiful, profound messages, so can you be again. For we never lose our skills and talents or the essence of who we are. Our latent abilities need only be recognized and practiced to reawaken their proficiencies. Never allow yourself to become disheartened through comparison to your former self or to others.

Nothing worth having is ever lost. Nothing worth giving is ever lost either. Channeling is a gift worth giving and keeping. It is also a gift that will awaken other latent gifts within. Open each gift with unbridled joy and enthusiasm, like a child on Christmas day. We, your unseen friends, are ever grateful for the gift you give us in allowing these communications to come through you. We gratefully await the next turning of the key when you open the door to our messages.

Message on How to Improve Channeling

My question was: What can I do to establish a stronger connection with you and improve my channeling?

We are so happy to be developing a stronger connection with you. Notice the energetic sensation in the space between your nose and lips, as well as in your upper forehead and third eye area. This will be a cue for you to know when we are present. Also, be ever aware of the openness and energetic expansion in your heart chakra. There are other times when you feel this heart chakra expansion, but notice it in conjunction with the nose, lip and third eye. This is a sort of calling card for our energy. Other unseen friends my have different calling cards, so always try to be aware of what sensations accompany whose energy.

The old adage "practice makes perfect" applies in this case as well. The more you experience channeling, the more familiar and comfortable it becomes. The more it becomes comfortable, the better you can advance your skill. Right now we want to truly strengthen the connection between us, so that there is no doubt in your mind as to whether or not you are receiving our messages.

Certainly you will want to know how to greater develop both the ability to connect AND to disconnect. We are neither willing nor able to take on any of your life lessons, as that is our agreement with all incarnating beings. However, it is possible to get your energy "confused" with ours, which can create a strange effect in your everyday life. Some channels who do not know how to disconnect well tend to take on some of the mannerisms, particularly in speech patterns, of the channeled entity. That is not our intention.

We do howev
er, want to assist you in bringing through our messages with the utmost clarity and with the least resistance or distortion. The best method for this, aside from practice, is to begin to develop an energetic exercise for channeling in which you imagine stepping yourself and your energy out of the way and inviting our energy to be in that space. However you imagine it, perhaps allowing yourself to float peacefully in a bubble or on a cloud nearby, know that you can hop down at any time but allow yourself to simply experience a meditative peace in these moments. How relaxing and calm it is to not have to think and judge, to simply peacefully observe without needing to know all the details. When our message is finished, we will signal to you to come down. The return is a good disconnect.

Don't worry
if you are not receiving the full eloquence and beauty of our expression at this time. It is enough to receive our impressions and to bring through the main ideas. You will be pleasantly surprised to see the expression of the messages transform over time, becoming broader in scope and depth.

There are several other methods you may use to strengthen our connection. First, call to us before you sleep. Ask to meet during dreamtime. Record your dreams and any impressions that remain upon awakening. Second, try to close your eyes and envision our faces or simply our presence when you have a few spare moments throughout the day. Imagine receiving a warm ray of bright healing love energy from us. If you wish, send it back to us as well. Bask in the loving healing energy connection. Finally, simply affirm to yourself throughout the day, "In every moment I joyfully and easily establish a stronger and deeper connection with my unseen friends."

These are techniques you can practice. We know how you love to "do" things to further your growth. Don't forget though, that your deepest, highest most loving intention to establish our connection creates the same effect. Your passion to be of service also draws a strong response on our end and allows you to get out of the way. Always be clear on your intention and you will receive the highest result in this manner.

We joyfully leave you with deep gratitude for your sincere efforts.

Message from Will on Our Purpose Together

I asked Will: What would you like to share with me about yourself? Why are we working together?

There have been many opportunities for us to get to know one another better. In fact, there have been times when you remarked that I knew you too well! There's nowhere to hide, you said. Yet it is truly the same on both ends. You know everything there is to know about me and about everything else in fact! You are simply in the process of remembering.

What is it that you'd like to remember about me? We have spent several lifetimes together in human form. More often than not, however, we take turns incarnating to assist the other. I am not some "holier than thou" spirit. I am one of your own soul group. I am helping you remember your OWN answers. I am the middle man, so to speak.

Although it sounds rather unglorified, I must admit that I prefer this job over most any other. I love to see the humor in life and to help you see the joy in growing and discovering - remembering that it is not such a dire procedure. Remembering to have fun while being alive is my special gift to you. I know how serious you can be about your path, which is YOUR special gift. I assist you in experiencing a broader viewpoint of your life's issues. Because I have spent so much time with you, I can remind you of what may not perhaps be addressed otherwise.

You are here to get to know YOU better, but I am flattered that you should ask about me. We have many discoveries yet to make together. Our connection will grow like the flowers in your garden.