Monday, February 4, 2008

Message on How to Improve Channeling

My question was: What can I do to establish a stronger connection with you and improve my channeling?

We are so happy to be developing a stronger connection with you. Notice the energetic sensation in the space between your nose and lips, as well as in your upper forehead and third eye area. This will be a cue for you to know when we are present. Also, be ever aware of the openness and energetic expansion in your heart chakra. There are other times when you feel this heart chakra expansion, but notice it in conjunction with the nose, lip and third eye. This is a sort of calling card for our energy. Other unseen friends my have different calling cards, so always try to be aware of what sensations accompany whose energy.

The old adage "practice makes perfect" applies in this case as well. The more you experience channeling, the more familiar and comfortable it becomes. The more it becomes comfortable, the better you can advance your skill. Right now we want to truly strengthen the connection between us, so that there is no doubt in your mind as to whether or not you are receiving our messages.

Certainly you will want to know how to greater develop both the ability to connect AND to disconnect. We are neither willing nor able to take on any of your life lessons, as that is our agreement with all incarnating beings. However, it is possible to get your energy "confused" with ours, which can create a strange effect in your everyday life. Some channels who do not know how to disconnect well tend to take on some of the mannerisms, particularly in speech patterns, of the channeled entity. That is not our intention.

We do howev
er, want to assist you in bringing through our messages with the utmost clarity and with the least resistance or distortion. The best method for this, aside from practice, is to begin to develop an energetic exercise for channeling in which you imagine stepping yourself and your energy out of the way and inviting our energy to be in that space. However you imagine it, perhaps allowing yourself to float peacefully in a bubble or on a cloud nearby, know that you can hop down at any time but allow yourself to simply experience a meditative peace in these moments. How relaxing and calm it is to not have to think and judge, to simply peacefully observe without needing to know all the details. When our message is finished, we will signal to you to come down. The return is a good disconnect.

Don't worry
if you are not receiving the full eloquence and beauty of our expression at this time. It is enough to receive our impressions and to bring through the main ideas. You will be pleasantly surprised to see the expression of the messages transform over time, becoming broader in scope and depth.

There are several other methods you may use to strengthen our connection. First, call to us before you sleep. Ask to meet during dreamtime. Record your dreams and any impressions that remain upon awakening. Second, try to close your eyes and envision our faces or simply our presence when you have a few spare moments throughout the day. Imagine receiving a warm ray of bright healing love energy from us. If you wish, send it back to us as well. Bask in the loving healing energy connection. Finally, simply affirm to yourself throughout the day, "In every moment I joyfully and easily establish a stronger and deeper connection with my unseen friends."

These are techniques you can practice. We know how you love to "do" things to further your growth. Don't forget though, that your deepest, highest most loving intention to establish our connection creates the same effect. Your passion to be of service also draws a strong response on our end and allows you to get out of the way. Always be clear on your intention and you will receive the highest result in this manner.

We joyfully leave you with deep gratitude for your sincere efforts.

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