Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Message on Decision Making

A friend I will call "John" asked for guidance. He was feeling stressed about deciding whether to change his career path. I think most of us can relate to this at some point in our life.

Question: What should John do about his job situation?

Yes, it is we, the Three, here to answer your inquiry with the highest love and joy. Our messages are always aligned with the highest good. We wish to provide insight and inspiration, for the choices and decisions are always yours to make. That is the fun and the purpose of being in the physical realm, is it not?

But here we might add that there are always tools available to you to assist in the decision making process. It is in this way that we may lighten your load and ease your troubled mind. For your friend's mind has taken on too much responsibility for his future. This has unnecessarily created a burden to him. In fact, the decision making process is a shared responsibility. The true responsibility lies first and foremost with the Higher Self.

The Higher S
elf is always the one directing the ship, regardless of whether the personality is aware of its existence or not. The heart is the key to knowing which paths are in alignment with the Higher Self. If it truly feels great in the heart, then the mind knows that it is its turn to take over. Once it has the okay signal so to speak, the mind's job is to create the specific plan or blueprint based on the direction the heart has indicated in conjunction with the Higher Self.

Nowadays, most anxiety and stress occur because the mind has taken over the whole job for itself. Can you imagine how burdened and overworked it has become? The heart has been ignored or repressed and denied its important role in the decision-making process.

The Higher Self, however, is not really affected by this change. It is always the true navigator of the ship. It will continue to steer the ship in its intended direction. Yet, when the mind chooses a path not in conjunction to the heart and the higher self, it will experience frustration, delays and setbacks.

Of course this is all a nice analogy, you say, but how can this specifically help me? What can I do to better hear and know my heart? The truth is as simple as they say in the Abraham-Hicks material - let your emotions be your feedback system. If it feels good, you are on track. It is as simple as that. And yet not so simple if you haven't practiced it.

The key would be to make it your habit first. Before using this system for big decision-making, you need to make it your everyday habit. This means constantly watching your emotional state and becoming clear in each moment on what you are thinking and feeling. That is the way out of this mess, by getting in touch with your emotions.

It may sound like a lot of work, but we assure you that it's quite fun. Don't be afraid of the emotions. Get to know them. They are friends. They have been with you for so long and yet they are not you. Emotions are merely guideposts, friends who help point the way.

This is not the simple easy answer perhaps, but it is the most empowering method for becoming confident and secure in one's own decision-making ability.

Our blessings to you.


Anonymous said...

This is so right on.... we contemplate and are not at ease when our heart and our mind are not aligned. When we choose the mind and ignore the heart we pay a big price. I hope your friend can truly see the beauty in this message.

Love Z

Tianna said...

Hello Z~

He is getting much better at it. I think it takes a lot of inner strength and personal power to go against the mainstream belief of "logic rules" in our society.

Thanks for your thoughts~