Monday, February 4, 2008

Message on Dreams

My dream recall is generally pretty good. I started working with my dreams probably 12 years ago or so. Usually just having the intention of writing them down makes them occur more often. Some nights I can remember 3 dreams. But at this point I wasn't seeming to get much even though I set the intention to remember.

Question: Why are my dreams so muddled and unclear these days?

Your perception is that your dreams are not clear, however it is in fact, your waking mind which is not clear. Your conscious mind, as the receiver of the subconscious or superconscious dream message, has been filtering out chunks of information. This leaves you with an unclear story, as if the pages had been ripped out between the beginning and end of a book.

Your waking mind has been besieged with many other concerns that get in the way of clear perception upon awakening. A tool that you may utilize to assist in the clarity of your dream recall would be to let go of any worries or concerns for the next day - the night before. Before you go to bed at night, take actions necessary such that the following morning is well-ordered and prepared for.

Set your alarm with enough time to get ready the next morning. Take care of whatever can be ahead of time and affirm to yourself that the rest will be handled by God or your higher self, whichever affirmation feels most comfortable to you. Fully trust and affirm that all is in order when you fall asleep. Awaken slowly and peacefully, maintaining that trust that all is well and as it should be.

Think of you mind like a lake. When it is calm and peaceful you can clearly see your reflection. When it is turbulent, you will get a choppy unclear image. That is true not only for your dreamwork, but for all of your life experience. If you practice this exercise every night and morning, you will find greater clarity and a deeper awareness in everything you do.

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