Sunday, February 3, 2008

Being in the Present Moment

My next message from Will was outside of class, kind of a "getting reacquainted" message. Although it addresses my particular issues, it seems pretty universal to what many people are going through right now.

There's no need to feel funny because I am naturally one who has worked through you before. Our interactions are so comfortable and natural that you may simply allow yourself to relax. Feel free to let the energy work its way through you and open up all the energy centers, feeling more and more comfortable, confident in the fact that I am one who will not embarrass you. I know that is what you concern yourself with even when you are your own audience. It is one of your fears in this life that needs to be addressed.

Through the channeling process you will b
e able to greater hone your ability to detach from you think you are - your personality that is only a small portion of your real self, and become more of who you truly are - an infinitely wise and expansive being capable of expressing yourself in so many ways, so many facets. It's not necessary to pretend to be limited unless it's something that you truly enjoy. We don't believe that to be the case.

It is more out of fear that you limit yourself - more out of habit, fear of change and the insecurity of that change that keeps you bonde
d in your ways of being. But that is okay with us. You don't need to change, however, you are truly wanting to change. And therefore, we are working to help you with those changes that will assist you in your other endeavors, particularly with your work that you truly want to fulfill at this time.

There are some new behavior patterns that will assist the unfolding of the spiritual work that you want to do. So we are here at your bidding. You called us to you now so that we could be the cheerleaders and the gentle guidance that you requested. Know that it is you who requested these changes and it is always thus.

It is never that you are being forced to change through life or circumstances. You have always drawn those circumstances to you when there was a great desire or calling on your part to enable a new way of being to come forth to further your deepest heart's desire.
It is scary to let go, yet the soul knows you are infinitely safe and that many good things await once you ca
n overcome the fears and enjoy the excitement of being in the present moment.

Being in the present moment is one of the biggest lessons for you now. In all the things that you would like to create in your life, you want to learn how to let go of the constraints of the past. The things that you believe are holding you back are truly imaginary. Only your mental constructs still remain and those are even vanishing quickly.

The other way you hold yourself back is by projecting these limitations into the future. They no longer serve you. You will want to allow yourself to align with your true desires. Align your thought patterns with your desires so that you may truly be serving your deepest heart desires and not allowing your old smaller heart to dictate what you are creating in this moment.

This moment is not as any moment has ever been. You have the capacity, the ability to create at a much quicker and greater way than ever before. So allow yourself to become the creator that you always wanted to be. You truly are stepping into that role and can continue to develop that capacity through being present in the moment. The art of allowing is one of the new millenium skills that will serve you in the coming changing times. These changing methodologies are all available if you so choose. It is truly your will that will determine what surfaces in this so-called "New Millenium."

Every millenium is truly a new millenium. Every moment is truly a new moment. It is only you who can decide what you wish to create - whether you want to continue to create the patterns of the past into the present and project it out into the future. If it serves your growth, then by all means there's no reason to choose otherwise. However, if you don't feel truly satisfied, then simply look at what you've been allowing and what you want to allow. Make the necessary adjustments in your awareness and in the awareness of your behavior and thought patterns. Don't feel like it's such hard work!

It is very joyful, if you will only allow your joy, the natural joy in creating, to simply exist without judgment. Just let yourself enjoy. There's nothing wrong. There's no need to suffer in this lifetime. There is no need to grow through pain, but only through joyful expression of your deepest heart desires.

We will continue to develop this connection. You will notice that as you are allowing more and more, the energy and the message will become even stronger and you will trust it even more. Just have fun with it, as we always have fun as well. Thank you for making the effort and allowing us to work with you. Thank you.

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